Sunday, October 7, 2007

my brain oozed out all over the sidewalk, and i didnt even know it

smokinbandit09: NO FUCKIN WAY!

MalcolmTV: hi

smokinbandit09: who is this

smokinbandit09: be real

MalcolmTV: Frankie

smokinbandit09: frankie who

smokinbandit09: whose malcolm?

MalcolmTV: frankie muniz, why

smokinbandit09: AWW SHIT NIGGA

MalcolmTV: you a fan?

smokinbandit09: yea dude

smokinbandit09: whats up

smokinbandit09: is this really him?

MalcolmTV: nothing much, just checking a few emails

MalcolmTV: yes

smokinbandit09: aha wher u at?

MalcolmTV: in LA

smokinbandit09: live and die in LA?

MalcolmTV: hopefully not die

smokinbandit09: you get a lot of IMs?

smokinbandit09: of ppl freakin out?

MalcolmTV: lol yea

smokinbandit09: bull shit.

smokinbandit09: any last words?

MalcolmTV signed off at 10:59:34 PM.

Oh, okay.

Friday, September 28, 2007


shit, can you read that?

Chillin out, maxin, relaxin all cool

Nov. 16!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Infinity spirals out creation


smokinbandit09: naaa battle of the bands.

bebop2466: any jack ass can enter those

smokinbandit09: are you?

smokinbandit09: death kong project

bebop2466: naah dawg

smokinbandit09: awwww :-(

bebop2466: fuking ROBOROKKK aint got nothin to prove

smokinbandit09: haha yea

bebop2466: we play our shows and make out money

smokinbandit09: your right

smokinbandit09: make out with money?

bebop2466: maybe

bebop2466: who knows

bebop2466: because i sure dont

smokinbandit09: thats deep

smokinbandit09: im going to write it down

bebop2466: sweet

bebop2466: do it

bebop2466: blog it

smokinbandit09: i neeed to update that thing

bebop2466: do it nig

smokinbandit09: i forgot the email i used for it

smokinbandit09: shit

smokinbandit09: got it.

bebop2466: WOO

smokinbandit09: i need to find a catchy title

bebop2466: ROBOROKK > calls for a hangin

bebop2466: (I.E we are beter)

smokinbandit09: haha kay or Infinity spirals out creation

smokinbandit09: aiight got its

mokinbandit09: dude but i dont wanna hate

smokinbandit09: but ill mention robo rokk vs. CFH

bebop2466: kk cool

smokinbandit09: whats ur new band called?

bebop2466: roborocketeers

smokinbandit09: wait wait, new question actually.. define robo rok

bebop2466: fuckin

bebop2466: um

bebop2466: new rave

bebop2466: experimental

bebop2466: dance rock?

smokinbandit09: new rave, not new wave or some shit?

bebop2466: new RAVE

smokinbandit09: ahh no typo there

smokinbandit09: got it

bebop2466: like techno styler rock

who doesnt love fake polaroids?

bloody hell.

DONT WANNA BE THIS GUY!!! this GUY is the kinda GUY that loiters around at the park blaring PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR. today i heard 2 different cars with that song.
yep, fuck off.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Matthew Neema Ramesh

The mysteries of creation are there!

-up in the sky?

-up in the sky.

Ramesh Rampage, Rancid Ramesh, Roadkill Ramesh.. he's a soldier

......yaaaaaa he's doing some famous madonna shit and then there's cayman and cayman loves mcdonalds and the color black and dr. pepper and camel lights and yukmouth.

Matt ramesh for the killlllllllllllllllll

-tuck knee fakie-

and cayman posted in the back in the white tee

ramesh for the tre bomb?

hella fuck ya!

Ice cream cone dipped innnnnnn..... something i cant remember, it was at a cheenk buffet though

Osama Bin Ramesh.

Stoop Kid.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Bad luck city

$484 ticket for fireworks? YUP......... shooooooooo izzzz

confetti, mirror balls, and rabbit suits

epic shit.

Dfest is going to be gnargnargnarGNAR

This vid is gnargnargnargnar too



Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The answer is.. there is no answer.

fuck summer, you can have it back

This is old old shit... winter 05'? i think maybe 04


Johnny Martin AKA John Martin Maher

You're a dead man, nigga.