Monday, May 28, 2007

Sit and think for a while and realize you'll still die, if you're not thinking at all I'm not sure why your alive

this is what Mr. Gary England has said what is supposed to happen again for the next 7 day.. 7 days dont lie! but I dont know if the tempatures are going to be the same? BLOOp

El Nik'o and I whenever he was Mr. Prez and before everyone I know including myself turned into SCUM

Don't take it the wrong way.. I'm not conceited at ALL! i just had my own website back whenever COPS werent a issue and our own parents drove us around and we skated the Y ledge .. and yes that is mr. blake masterson in the middle and miles on the left.

Uhaul seshes in the early AM hours were the best

I just enjoy OLDE pics and just knowing that back then shit wasnt falling apart.. and now it seems like it is. Summer's almost here and lets just say its going to be a tough one- it's going to be a long hard LURKIN-007mode-SPYING for cops ULTRA paranoia kind of summer.

THis is your average neighborhood bully.. stealing newspapers, putting your flag up on your mailbox in your front yard, carrying a slingshot with him at all times, and always there waiting for you to get off the bus so he can take whatever you got.. Tyler Oden TUlly AKA Porky...

fuckTHA poliiciaa!

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